May Update

No kitten news, all the girls are not calling at the moment. (I only have 3 of kittening age and it looks like once again they will all want to have kittens at the same time!).

The next generation of cats here have all been DNA tested and results are back now.

Jakatta Idris – All OK with Health issues and diversity of 36% which is good.

Micatta Moriana Dawnlight – Almost identical report to Idris and confirmation that she does not carry solid.

Lewshan Lyria Silvermoon – Health all OK and good diversity too.

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March/April update

Sorry this update is so late its been a very busy month sorting out the kittens and many trips to the Vet for vaccinations, neutering and microchips. Thank you all at Village Vet Longstanton.

All but 2 of the kittens have left home already. Shadow is due to go to his new home on Sunday and Idris is staying here. We have also been joined by Micatta Moriana Dawnlight who has come to live here and is already making herself comfortable.

Both Platinum and Merithra have now been neutered and retired from breeding. We have no girls pregnant at the moment and it could be 6-8 months before I have anymore kittens. I do not keep a waiting list as its just not workable. If you are looking for kittens feel free to message me either by email or on Facebook for an update anytime.

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February Update

All kittens are doing very well, mostly using litter tray (a couple of accidents but not much). They have taken well to food although a couple will not eat the wet food and prefer dried only which is not an issue. The others are happy to eat both and probably anything else they get hold of.

All exploring the house now and getting used to normal household noises. Merithra will play and clean her baby but he goes to Alleria and Helly if he wants feeding (it’s handy to have babysitters).

All these kittens are provisionally reserved and I will be talking to the prospective owners soon to see if they want to confirm their reservations. I am still receiving a lot of enquires and have a few ‘standby’ options but I have no more kittens due at the moment or in the near future.

I would like to take the opportunity to introduce Jakatta Ilidan Stormrage who is joining me from Michelle. He is a lovely Cream Smoke boy and we are keeping him for a while to see how he develops. He has been DNA tested and the test confirmed he is a solid.

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January Update


As expected the following litters were born over Christmas

24th December – Merithra had one Blue Silver Tabby boy – Provisionally Reserved.

26th December – Helly had 5 boys, Black Smoke & White, Brown Tabby & White, Red Tabby & White, Red Silver Tabby & White and Blue Tabby & White – All Provisionally Reserved.

2nd January – Alleria had 2 kittens a Silver Tabby & White boy and a Brown Tabby & White girl – All Provisionally Reserved.

All kittens currently doing well especially Helly’s who are little fat things!

We have no more kittens due.

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December Update

Kittens! Unfortunately the girls are still not being predictable.

Platinum is not pregnant at the moment.
Merithra due late December I think but if she is she doesn’t have many babies in there – should be Blue Silver and Blue Tabbies any maybe solid Blue and Blue Smoke.
Alleria and Helly both due early January and both starting to get nice and round. Many colours possible!

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November Update

Following our disappointments last month and despite being early days still I think we have had some co-operation from the girls and are expecting kittens in January.

I think Platinum, Merithra and Helly may all be pregnant so its going to be very busy.

Dotcom JF Platinum has been mated to Mymains Malfurion Stormrage (Gus)

Jakatta Merithra has been mated to Countrytales Moonlight (Titan)

Noracoon Elmira of Jackatta (Helly) has been mated to Mymains Malfurion Stormrage (Gus)

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October update

Early October update, although early days I think both Dotcom JF Platinum and her daughter Jakatta Merithra are expecting babies in November. – Unfortunately neither were pregnant and both came into call again, both been potentially mated but really not confident that they will get pregnant.

Both Helly and Alleria calling non-stop now too so my attempts spread kittens out a bit was not successful and we could end up with several litters overlapping.

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September Update

Not much happening with the cats this month, no kittens no kittens due. I have been busy catching up with my knitting projects as it was very difficult finding time to knit with all the kittens running around. I am trying to finish several projects in time to start the Westknits MKAL (Mystery Knit A Long) which starts on October 9th. I have purchased a lovely kit of yarn from Stephen & Penelope yarn shop dyed by Undercover Otter.

Undercover Otter yarn set for Westknits MKAL starting on October 9th

My daughter-in-law Michelle of Micatta Maine Coons has a lovely litter of 4 kittens (3 girls and a boy) which are growing up very nice. Pictures will be posted when we know which are available.

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August Update

Its a late update for August but its been a busy month. All 11 kittens have now gone to their new homes now and are settling in well. Unfortunately Alisaie above got an infection following her neutering operation and needed further treatment but she recovered quickly and after a couple of extra weeks with us is now settling in well in her new home.

Both Gus and Alleria have been for their annual vaccinations and I also took the opportunity to blood test them for FeLuk and FIV, as expected both clear.

No kittens due so it was quite peaceful but 3 of my 4 girls have now decided to start calling, it often happens after the babies leave but its too soon for Helly & Alleria to be mated again but I might let Platinum go and visit Gus!

My daughter-in-law Michelle has just had a litter of kittens and as soon as they are old enough I will post pictures on my facebook page and her website.

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July Update

Its been a very busy month with vaccinations and neutering of the kittens going ahead but under slightly different circumstances than normal. The staff at my Vets have been wonderful and very helpful. The kittens are almost ready to head off to their new homes.

I am still receiving lots of kitten enquiries but we have no kittens due so my next litter will probably not be until the very end of this year.

Michelle (my daughter-in-law) of Micatta Maine Coons has kittens due in August but we know already that all the boys will be Red or Red Silver Tabbies and the girls Tortie or Silver Tortie Tabbies.

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