November/December Update

Sorry I have not been very good at updating the news.

Its been another very busy Christmas period as once again most of the girls decided they wanted to have kittens at the same time.

Helly had 4 kittens at the beginning of November, Lyria had 3 kittens 2 weeks later and Alleria had 5 kittens at the beginning of December. Only Rainbow left to have kittens this year!

All kittens are now provisionally reserved (although my daughter-in-law Michelle of Micatta Maine Coons has a couple of boys and a girl kitten still available – I will post pictures below).

Both Lyria and Helly will retire as they didn’t get on. Lyria has been neutered and once she recovers I will find her a nice pet home as she is just over a year old. Helly is now 5 and will retire here.

Gus has also now been neutered but again will hopefully retire here and his (& Helly’s) son Idris will hopefully take over this year. He is just a year old at the moment so no rush.

Michelle of Micatta Maine Coons – 2 boys available
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